
Prof. Jiguo Chen, Director of Virology Laboratory of Alaska State Public Health Service, Visited Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)

Date:04-07-2013   |   【Print】 【close

On June 21, Prof. Jiguo Chen, the Director of Virology Laboratory of Alaska State Public Health Service, delivered an academic report “Public Health Related Virology Diagnosis in the United States” to the students and faculty of the institute in Number 1 Auditorium of WIV at the invitation of Ge Hong Forum. Chen Xinwen (director of WIV), researchers Hu Zhihong and Wei Hongping, other teachers and students attended the report. Prof. Chen introduced the database and organization structure of the Virology Laboratory of Alaska State Public Health Service. His introduction gives the audience a peek on the advanced information infrastructure of USA. He also described the main task of the laboratory under his leadership: Molecular Biological Detection. Lastly, he shares his outlook for USA’s public health and offers his suggestion for diagnosis platform development of China. Prof. Chen was graduated from WIV with a master’s degree. Previously, he has worked in microbiosis research institute of Osaka University (Japan), Health Sciences Center of University of Texas (USA) and Biology Department of Mississippi State University (USA). He is now the director of Virology Laboratory of Alaska State Public Health Service and an associate professor with tenure of Biology Department of the University of Alaska.

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